22nd installment
Miwano Rag
Event period
3/25 19:00 ~ 4/16 23:59
Announcement of new artwork
Limited orders for reproductions of original artworks
This is an online-only event.
Depicting fresh "moments from around the world."
Miwano Ragu's illustrations are characterized by beautiful colors and the way they are created, as if they were taken from a particular moment in time.
Girls breathe vividly in a delicate space that exudes a sense of silence.
The moment our eyes met, it was as if time had stopped...
Flowing hair, spilling light, dripping water, shining eyes beyond the eyelashes.
Each photograph is dramatic and has a mysterious charm that allows you to relive that moment over and over again every time you view it.
Another distinctive feature of the series is that each girl shows a different side of herself in each work.
You will encounter these women who live in the world of Miwano Ragu Sensei beyond the illustrations.
Another reality that exists in a world parallel to our everyday lives.
Miwano Ragu's illustrations are beautifully and delicately colored and have a strong presence.
Completely new work
An entirely original, newly created illustration
Miwano Ragu's Production Story
Q: How do you create your own work?
First, I start my work by deciding on the theme I want to paint.
I expand on the images that come to mind when I think of the theme, organize the mind map in my head, and gradually turn it into an illustration.
Therefore, rather than drawing in all the elements at the rough draft stage, I gradually add elements as I proceed with the production, and finally complete it at the clean draft stage.
Q: What is your source of inspiration?
I've been familiar with classical and other music since I was a child. Nowadays I listen to a wide variety of music genres, and sometimes I listen to my favorite songs and think of themes from there. That's why sometimes there is a song that serves as the "original composition" for one illustration.
Another is to "come into contact with things you admire." For example, looking back at the things you liked as a student and asking yourself "Why did I like that?" and "Why was I so passionate about it?" can lead to new ideas for illustrations.
Q : What do you want to convey through your illustrations?
When I create a work of art, I believe that "each work has a different theme, and there is never just one way to express that theme."
When I create, I am always conscious of how to express something in a way that will accurately convey it.
Also, because there is not just one way of expression, I believe that even small elements can be enjoyable for the viewer, so I carefully bring out the elements.

Enjoy the artwork through beautiful reproductions of the original artwork
A completely new work by Miwano Ragu
Welcome your purchase with a hand-signed reproduction of the original artwork.
March 25, 2025 19:00~
Limited quantity orders now available
Let's welcome the completely original work from Master Miwano Rag in the form of a hand-signed art reproduction.Limited quantity orders begin in March 25th 2025 .

Past works
